Why It Isn’t All About Catchment Areas When Moving

It’s highly likely that you are reading this as you have school age children. It is also likely that you have moved home in the last few years – over 60% of us do.

Good school catchments are very high on a parent’s list of must haves.

We buy any house company, House Buy Fast (that’s us!) did a bit of quick research with estate agents and asked them to give me buyer’s requirements in order of importance – the answers came back as;

  • Price
  • Bedroom numbers
  • Type i.e. house, flat etc
  • School catchments
  • Style / Age
  • Garden type i.e. South etc

So it’s pretty important then.

But surprisingly catchments are only a small part of the story.

There are a whole heap of things that can influence whether the latest Dez Rez is going to be a happy family home or not, even if the local school is amazing.

Here’s a list of other things to consider when you’re next looking to move.

Things To Consider When Moving Home

Parks & Open Space

After school and during the holidays, much needed to burn off all that extra energy.

Check using Google Maps.

Traffic Levels

Consider this to avoid pollution, accident black-spots and give your children the opportunity to play outside.

Check using BBC Traffic & Travel News.


Everybody needs good ones! Watering your plants when you’re away, keeping an eye on the place and vital for that all important cup of sugar.


Easy access to a beach allows year round access to exercise and adventures.

Sports Clubs

For those rainy days a decent club nearby is a God-send.

Crime Rates

Surprisingly many good schools are within high crime areas. Avoid if you can.

Check using Police UK Website.

Mobile Signal

Ok, not vital but worth checking the signal when viewing especially if you’re locked into a long contract.

Friends and Family

The vital support network. It’s usually a mistake to move away from your area just to be nearer the school – think of all the lost babysitter opportunities!

It’s pretty unlikely that you’ll get absolutely everything right so as with everything it is about making priorities and compromises that suit you and your budget.

Just don’t focus solely on the Ofsted reports – there’s a whole lot more to life than that!

Picture Sources:

Matt Cornock, Jeffrey.

Jonathan Rolande

Jonathan Rolande

Jonathan Rolande began in the property industry in 1987 and has extensive knowledge of the property buying sector. Jonathan is also an avid supporter of greater regulation in the industry. Founding the National Association of Property Buyers to offer essential information to property sellers.