We have just had the results of a survey back that we commissioned to find out what our website, House Buy Fast is doing well and what it’s doing badly, and the results have been really interesting.
When people come to our site they generally are looking to sell a property quickly or use our ‘we buy any house‘ service so the site must be fast and easy to navigate but also provide them with lots of information about the whole process, what we do to buy a home fast and also to give plenty of advice about other property matters as well as some of the alternatives to using a quick sale company.
That way people can make an informed choice about whether to make that call or complete the online enquiry form, or not.
Here’s what we found after collating hundreds of responses to our survey;
Some people thought that by completing the online form on the site would automatically generate a cash offer for the property.
In reality because every home is different any online valuation would be pretty useless.
We take time to find out about the property first, does it have heating, what’s the condition, have any improvements been carried out lately.
By getting the facts straight we can give a far more accurate appraisal before instructing an Independent Chartered Surveyor to visit (free of charge to the seller).
So to avoid any confusion we listened to feedback and removed areas that referred to instant online valuation as well as adding lots more content about how the whole process works in detail.
Some people also said that the site was sometimes not available when they tried to have a look. We had been having some issues with our server providers and as they couldn’t guarantee that the same problem wouldn’t happen again so we reluctantly changed providers and haven’t had any problems since.
We also had some positive feedback. Lots of people kindly told us that the site is quick and easy to use, seems fine, and is informative. Thanks for this feedback, it’s great to know where we’re getting things right.
We are always looking to improve the service we provide as well as the site so if you’re reading this and have a question or comment of any kind please don’t hesitate to let us know!
Also don’t forget about our Worthing Elf Record, get a ticket now before they’re all gone!