With a new year already upon us lets take a quick look back at our achievements in December. We are very excited to be starting a new chapter in 2024 and if you wanted to start your new chapter in 2024 by selling, why not give our experts a call?
“I believe many towns and cities outside of London can expect to see price rises every month throughout 2024.’”
Jonathan Rolande
“It has been estimated that, overall, all regions will experience house price falls next year”
Jonathan Rolande
If prices are falling, how will you get developers to build? Housebuilders are cutting back.
Jonathan Rolande
“The Government’s plans for house building in 2024 are really low key in terms of what is needed. And this will have a knock-on impact in helping prices to rise in these areas.”
Jonathan Rolande
And many more. To stay up to date with the property market follow us on Twitter!
House Buy Fast @HouseBuyFast and Jonathan Rolande @propertyjonnie