Duncan Fretter

Duncan Fretter

Duncan Fretter profile

Name – Duncan Fretter

Job title – Senior Property Buyer

Do you have any qualifications? – Previously an MNAEA during my time working in Estate Agency.

How long have you worked in the property industry? – 32 Years.

How long have you worked at House Buy Fast? – Since 2008.

What’s the best thing about working at House Buy Fast? – Good team of professional staff and good working environment , also helping people sell property in a straightforward and quick process enabling them to achieve their goal.

Do you have any hobbies outside of the property industry? – Motorcycling and football – watching now not playing!

What’s your favourite inspirational quote? – “One day or day one you decide!

In terms of time frame, what was the shortest time you’ve taken to buy a property? – Completed a purchase in 5 working days.

What’s the most unusual/unique house you’ve dealt with? – Once sold a bungalow which was originally constructed of old railway carriages.