HouseBuyFast: Featured in June

It’s July, can you believe it? Last month was all about the General Election day tomorrow. We’ve read all the manifestos, formed our opinions, and shared them with various UK media outlets. The property market is relevant to everyone. Whether buying, selling, renting, or inheriting a property, staying informed about what’s happening in the property world is good. In case you missed it, House Buy Fast has shared its expertise in the field, and you can catch up by reading the snippets below.

Estate Agent Today

“I am also increasingly wondering if politicians are pondering whether there are even sufficient votes to make it worth solving the crisis?”

Jonathan Rolande

GB News

 “If I was leaving a note for the person about to move into Number 10 it would only be five words long. And it would say this: “Start building new homes. Please.” ”

Jonathan Rolande

Daily Express

“Type the road name into Google and search it generally by clicking ‘all’, but also click ‘news’. You might discover something recently that could put you off—antisocial neighbours, a high local crime rate, or worse.”

Jonathan Rolande

I News

“If a room is freshly painted, especially if only one wall is painted, it could mean the paint is covering up mould. That’s not to say everyone who paints over damp is covering up a major problem, but it could be a sign someone is doing so”

                                                                                                                                                                             Jonathan Rolande

Yorkshire Times

“But although there is no better feeling than getting the keys to a new house, it can quickly become a nightmare if that property is home to hidden problems. ”

Jonathan Rolande

And many more. To stay up to date with the property market follow us on X ( Twitter) !

House Buy Fast @HouseBuyFast and Jonathan Rolande @propertyjonnie